Lebara Mobile KSA: All short codes║Lebara USSD codes 2024 [KSA]

Lebara Mobile KSA All short codes║Lebara USSD codes (1)

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Lebara service codes are USSD to know your Lebara number, check account balance, Lebara internet offers, and activate/deactivate services. To use Lebara codes, you need to dial a specific code (usually starting with * or #) from your mobile phone.

In this article, we have compiled all the Lebara useful codes that really save your time and make your work easier. Check below to find your required Lebara codes for Saudi Arabia.

Lebara recharge codes: 

In order to recharge your Lebara account, you will need to have a voucher and your ID number. Once you have these, you can follow the steps below: 

  • *111*Scratch Card Number*Iqama ID Number# (Dial *111*voucher number*ID number# then press call)
  • Dial 1755 and select 3 to complete recharge enter the Iqama/ID number and then enter 14 digit voucher number.
  • *000#

Lebara balance check codes:

In order to check Lebara main account balance, you will need to dial below Lebara USSD codes:

  • Dial USSD code: *110# then press call
  • Call “1755” and press 1 to check your main balance
  • *164#

Check Lebara Internet balance:

  • Dial “1755” and select “1” to check your internet balance
  • Dial “1755” and select “0” to talk to Lebara customer services.

Lebara customer care number:

  • Call “0576001755” and select “0” talk to the customer care representative
  • Dial *000# enter “2” to change language and press “1” to confirm.

Change Lebara language:

  • Dial *000# Type * Send, * Sned, 4 Send and type 1 Send again type 1 to set the English language. 
  • Call “1755” And press 2 to choose a language.
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Active Lebara voicemail service:

  • Dial USSD code: *222*41#
  • To access voicemail simple dial “1400” and enter the password “0000”
  • Dial *222*40# to deactivate voicemail.

How to transfer Lebara balance?

In order to transfer Lebara balance, to do so by 2 ways. 

  1. 1st, you need to dial a Lebara balance transfer code *111*2*Lebara Number*Amount# 
  2. 2nd, Dialing a USSD code. To do so follow the below USSD menu system to transfer balance Lebara to Lebara SIM.
  • Dial USSD Code *000#
  • Select option “1” for recharge
  • Then option “2” to transfer the balance to another Lebara KSA Sim Card
  • Enter the mobile number you would like to transfer.
  • Enter amount

As soon as the completed transfer the receiving party shall be sent a message including the amount of XX SAR is ready for the transfer – requesting to enter his Iqama/ID number. The transfer fee is 50 Halalas will be deducted from your Lebara balance. Therefore, make sure you have enough balance on your sim card.

Lebara Internet Packages Activation Codes:

Lebara Internet Packages

In Saudi Arabia, Lebara offers a range of mobile and internet packages to suit every need and budget. All of Lebara’s packages can be activated using an activation code, which can be bought online or from a Lebara mobile balance.

Once you have your activation code, simply follow the activation instructions below. After your package has been activated, you can start using your Lebara SIM card to make calls, send texts and use data.

Lebara’s mobile and internet packages offer great value for money, with competitive rates and no hidden charges. So if you’re looking for an affordable way to stay connected, be sure to check out Lebara latest Activation codes.

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 Daily Internet Packages

PackagesDurationPriceActivation Code
500 MB1 Day5 SRDial *666*24#
Unlimited YouTube1 Day9.99 SRDial *777*019#
Unlimited Social1 Day5.99 SRDial *666*001#
Unlimited Data1 Day19 SRDial *777*01#

Weekly Internet Packages

PackagesDurationPriceActivation Code
50 MB7 Days2 SRDial *777*030#
500MB7 Days9 SRDial *777*200#
3GB7 Days25 SRDial *666*3000#
10GB + 5GB Social7 Days29 SRDial *666*010#
Unlimited Social7 Days29.99 SRDial *666*007#
Unlimited Data7 Days99 SRDial *777*07#

14 Days Internet Packages

PackagesDurationPriceActivation Code
15GB + 5GB Social14 Days50 SRDial *777*150#
20GB14 Days60 SRDial *777*2014#

Monthly Internet Packages

PackagesDurationPriceActivation Code
2GB30 Days28 SARDial *777*1000#
4 GB30 Days45 SARDial *777*2000#
4GB – Buy 3 months & get 1 month free90 Days135 SARDial *777*20001#
5GB30 Days60 SARDial *777*5000#
10GB30 Days65 SARDial *777*10240#
10GB – Buy 3 months & get 1 month free90 Days195 SARDial *777*102401#
25GB+ 25GB30 Days95 SARDial *777*2500#
25GB – Buy 2 months & get 1 month free60 Days190 SARDial *777*25001#
50 GB30 Days115 SARDial *777*050#
100GB30 Days175 SARDial *777*100#
Unlimited Data30 Days345 SARDial *777*30#

3 Months Internet Packages

PackagesDurationPriceActivation Code
10GB85 Days110 SARDial *777*10000#
20GB90 Days175 SARDial *777*20000#
50GB+ 25GB90 Days260 SARDial *777*50000#
100GB+ 50GB90 Days330 SARDial *777*01000#

Source of Article: https://www.lebara.sa/en/support/list-of-useful-lebara-numbers/

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